I tried every which way to get a good picture of our narrow entry way and here, finally, are the three best shots.I don't usually hang family photos; I like them in albums, but I think that was a mistake because I love looking at these every time (all the time) I trot up and down the stairs with a basket of laundry.
I told Marc that I like it because it makes me feel like I am in the home part of the house as soon as I come in the door. That's a problem with split levels, it feels like that little landing and staircase may as well be the stairwell in an apartment building or something. But this goes a long way towards fixing it. I highly recommend it if you have a split level that you battle with like I do.
So I explained that all to Marc and he gave me the "whatever" look and said he's glad I'm happy. He'd better be too. Dinner is much more likely when I'm happy. And other things too.
I love your house! You inspire me so much! Also, what is that cool weathered thingy hanging in the entryway. Also also, will you come over and redo my house, too?