Return to the Gift of Crazy Mom

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First of all, blogger is being very weird this morning.

post edit* I started writing this like a month ago when I had just finished OM, but then my computer and blogger conspired against me so the post languished in my draft section until just now when I found it and decided to try again...because Jonathan deserves a post.

Second, LOOK at my little OMers at the regional tournament last Saturday! Jonathan's team of 10 and 11 year old boys took on the problem "Return to the Gift of Flight."

They had to make six different aircraft that completed six different flight plans like "touch down and take off" and "drop something onto a target," and they had to used at least four different propulsion systems. Complicated? Yes.

Every time I coach OM there's a moment (a very long moment) when I am certain my team will definitely not be ready for the competition...a moment when all seven boys are bouncing off my walls, making disgusting noises, and yelling about ninjas and grenades, and I KNOW they will never actually solve the long term problem.

Because they are crazy. And I wish I had never said I would coach. It is a sad, sad moment.But then every year an OM miracle happens and they, using massive amounts of duct tape, manage to get it together. This year we had helium dirigible that was powered by a blowdryer too!

Generally I am not a competitive person, but my boys came in third place out of 10 teams. If they had got second they would have moved onto the state competition. They missed second place by three lousy points and I am convinced they would have got those points except one boy's paper costume blew away while he was walking through the parking lot and he couldn't retrieve all of it. I know I shouldn't be, but I am bugged.

The most ridiculous part of that sentence is the fact that actually going to states would be my own personal hell. But making sense was never really my strong suit.

3 Responses to “Return to the Gift of Crazy Mom”

  1. Go Jonathan! And go Shelley, too!

  2. Been to state finals in CA at least 4 times, and off to World Finals...TWICE!!! And Hell is certainly one way to describe it...tee hee hee. Just think of all that chaos and multiply it tenfold...over many more months since World's is usually in MAY!! I am soo proud of both you an Jonathan...these are really great OMemories he is making. Two of my former teammates are roommates at UCSD and still solving life's problems together at the age of 21.

  3. Yay! Go Jonathan! How fun to read about this! You are such a smarty pants. You must get that from your fabulous Aunt!!


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