I had a lovely Mother's Day weekend, in part because it rained so I didn't have to help Marc with a massively overdue dump run. I hope yours was nice too. We were pretty low key, but spending time with my family is exactly what I wanted this year; Jonathan and Ellie are growing up so fast it is just killing me. I desperately want to slow things down but I'm acutely aware from past experience that it ain't happening. Sad face.
Anyway, here is a quick recap of some stuff that's happened here. I have a couple of posts in the works that are taking me longer to write than I expected so this is sort of a filler.
Okay, you may have already seen this if you follow me on Facebook but here is the cake I made for Jonathan to use when he asked his friend to Mormon Prom.

I know it's ugly as heck, but I'm still so pleased that he was able to give me that photo and on very short notice (like on the spot) I was able to make a cake that is at least recognizable as a sad, weird frog. Yes! Yay me I can make sad frog cake! I know...I just like doing things for my kids, and Jonathan rarely needs me for stuff these days.
Here he is asking the girl.
And here they are before the dance.
Aren't they just so cuuuuuuute?! Here are a couple more for fun.
I seriously love these kids and their fun friendships make my mom heart happy.
What else? Oh! here's a pic of Jonathan and Ellie on Sunday.
Why so big guys? Stop it.
And that's about it. We saw Captain America: Civil War; I give it five barnacles.
We played the D.C. Deck Building game with Jonathan and me against Marc and Ellie and my team WON! Happy Mother's day to me because I never win that stupid game.
And on Sunday we spent the evening with my mom and dad and my aunt who is staying with them. I made dinner because I am the auxiliary mom when we get together, BUT I did not have to do the dishes so WIN!
Okay friends. Have a fantastic hump day and stay classy!
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