Brain Mush

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I seriously can't think of anything blog worthy to talk about tonight. I have a few personal blog rules, mostly about what I won't write about. Stuff like my weight issues (boring!), and kidney donation (gross!), and teenage girl dramalamadingdong (because they can read).

Everything else on my mind is seriously underdeveloped, like why is "Terminator: the Sara Conner Chronicles" canceled? I like that show. And also WHY can't I save any money? If you spend any time in blog land you know that frugal is the new black. But pretty much I rot at that.

I listed a bunch of stuff on craigslist on Sunday, so now I have to check my email every five minutes or so to see if anyone is buying's completely taking up my whole day. Crazy.

Maybe it is just time to go to bed and let another day come.

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