I love it that Marc can fix anything. I'm nervous about the chickens being safe from weasels (weasels!) or whatever racoonish animals are out there, but I think they should be secure, he worked very hard. I just really really want my chickens to be okay.
Archive for April 2009
Tomato and Egg Dreams
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I love it that Marc can fix anything. I'm nervous about the chickens being safe from weasels (weasels!) or whatever racoonish animals are out there, but I think they should be secure, he worked very hard. I just really really want my chickens to be okay.
Teaching Moments
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Cleaning Day
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Marc and I had a fantabulous time in Los Vegas and I have a bazillion pictures I want to show you PLUS give my reviews of the shows, food, and hotels we perused...but instead of being a good little blogger I spent the day cleaning.

Isn't he so handsome?! I can say that can't I? It's not rude is it? I just think he is so cute!
Anyway, first thing, last night Jonathan was jonny-on-the-spot with making sure our family had our one minute of lights out for Earth Day. After running around the house making sure everything (including computers) was turned off, he hit the last light at 8:30pm and began timing us. I did not tell him that it was supposed to be an hour of lights out, one minute was enough for us!
The other sweet thing he did was this morning. After I had already packed her lunch, Ellie announced she wanted to buy today because it was "pancake day." So I said no, because I had already made her lunch. Then she cried because she hates it when she can't have her way (oh yes, she does).
Well while I was in the kitchen and Ellie was writhing on the couch, I noticed Jonathan out of the corner of my eye sliding up to Ellie and sneaking her a little lunch bag with some of his own money for her to buy pancakes. She threw her arms around him and cried, "you're the best brother ever!"
Don't you wish you could have a brother like that?
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Field Trip
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
This place is so gorgeous and interesting. After school Ellie and I decided we want to be part of an exhibit!
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Easter Sunday
Monday, April 13, 2009
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Our Disorders
Friday, April 10, 2009
Yes, this is my silverware drawer. Feel free to judge and extrapolate accordingly as to what my other drawers might look like. It is time for some spring organizing for sure!
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The Dreaded Easter Dresses
I have two vaguely related things on my mind today.

Totally shrugalicious, no? So we were just hoping for something close to their knees that didn't show off their lovely lady bumps. Nearly impossible I tell you! They tried on so many adorable dresses that just didn't meet our standards. And frankly, I don't think our standards are all that outrageous. These girls are 14 and 15; they don't need to show off cleavage or miles of leg!
Sigh. Step off box.
The second thought I had was also prompted by our shopping excursion. The dressing rooms in juniors had a line, so we took the dresses the girls wanted to try on and glided up to the lingerie dressing rooms which were empty.
Like I said, they tried on a pile of dresses, but we did hang each one back up and then put them on the clothing rack in the dressing room entry. While I was looking for another size, a sales lady came in the dressing room and told my girls they needed to take all of the dresses back down to Juniors.
When they told me it kind of made me mad. I don't like sales people treating my girls like sub-customers, and it happens pretty often. I said to leave the dresses and I went to pay for the two they had finally chosen (too expensive, attractive, not as long as I'd like but close) and the saleslady asked me if I was planning to take the dresses back downstairs.
I said "no, I wasn't."
Then she sighed and said she hoped I would because there was no one else up there to tend the register. The first thing that went through my mind was a big ole, "not my problem," The second was, "so call someone from juniors to come get them," and the final though, I'm sorry to say it took me so long, was, "why not just help this tired lady out?"
So the girls and I took the dresses downstairs. And although the attendant at the juniors dressing room had been rude earlier, and I didn't like the lingerie lady much either, I still think (putting aside all theories of customer service) it was the right thing to do.
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My Flock
Thursday, April 9, 2009
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009
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Sometimes My Best Parenting is Crap
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I've Moved
Monday, April 6, 2009
Dearest Friends,
So here I am at blogger because I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get a pretty blog on wordpress. And I was feeling left out because all my friends have such lovely, skinny blogs with great hair cuts and fabulous shoes.
It wasn't fair.
And, I hate to admit it, I really want some blinkies! So now I plan to go a little crazy with the bling and stuff, but I know you love me anyway...for who I am inside...right?
Ooooh, and if you're new, you could go to www.barnaclebutt.wordpress.com to see my old but still very nice posts.