Let's See If I Get In Trouble For Writing About My Older Children?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sometimes it annoys me that since my kids are older I don't get to write about our days the same way I did when they were small. But I'm feeling like I want to do a little update on our family and to heck with their privacy and stuff. Documentation is important. And so what if my main form of family record keeping happens on the world wide web where nothing is secret; they have all embarrassed me in public plenty over the years! 

Today I'm starting with Jonathan and Katie. Next time I'll fill you in on Maddie and Ellie. Katie is not interested in me sharing her life on the internets so her update will be very short. Probably. I mean, she is so cute, but I should probably respect her specific request not to write about her on my blog. Mostly. I will mostly respect her request by not talking too much even though I believe she is the person who introduced me to the phrase, "caring is sharing."

But Jonathan! He has made no specific requests and also if he tries to I am not taking requests right now. Yesterday was his first day of college at our local city college. He home schooled for part of high school and then at the end of his sophomore year he passed the California high school proficiency exam which is the equivalent of a high school diploma. Up until now I've kind of avoided thinking about him starting college by imagining it as a continuation of high school for him-he just isn't old enough for actual college so in my head that's not what is happening. It's like magic! Only it doesn't work.

So yesterday was his first day and when we were in the school bookstore buying his text books it totally hit me that This Is Happening. Thank goodness he is still living at home or I would have to cry/die.

I drove him the first day because his parking pass hasn't arrived yet and while we were in the car I asked if I could take a quick picture of him on his first day and this is what he did. (we were at a stop light) 
"Act NORMAL!" I demanded. And I got this.
Finally, before I left him on campus, he let me take this one.
I love that kid SO much! Total mom crush right here. And I'm so impressed by his courage in tackling a non traditional educational path. 

Now for the Doots. Here she is at Christmas with her partner.

And with her doggie.
Because of her non-disclosure policy I won't talk about school or jobs or travel or relationships or her paintings. I will just say that she is a great daughter and I love her.

Let's hope I don't get in trouble for this

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