My general excitement level when it comes to preparing dinner is kind of low. Lately I've been focusing on quantity over quality-like it is more important to make 5-6 dinners a week that are okay than to make 3 really good meals but end up eating out the rest of the week. Why can't I make 5-6 great meals? Excellent question!
Last night I made a really scrumptious dinner though, and I am bursting to share; it's chicken tikka masala. I got this recipe from Katherine, the librarian at Ellie's school. She told me the ingredients and what to do with them, but no measurements. So here's what she told me-verbatim:
1. Saute the onions in butter until soft.
2. Broil the chicken rubbed with curry powder.
3. Add curry, chili powder,and a dash of ginger to the onions. Three parts curry to one part chili powder. Saute one minute.
4. Add one can of diced tomatoes with juice, chopped chicken, and half and half to the onions.
5. Simmer for twenty minutes and serve over Basmati rice.
Oh boy was this good! All my smalls liked it (except Ellie, she only eats white) and even went back for seconds.
I especially liked making this because I feel like an extra successful homemaker when I make foods from other countries and they come out well. Like if I make burgers, meh, who cares? But Chicken Tikka Masala...that's impressive.