1. Jonathan puts his poker face to work at the 4th grade "Gold Rush Day."
2. Katie is lovely at her 8th grade graduation.
3. Maddie opening her new MacBook for her 16th birthday.
4. Grandma Diana visits from San Diego.
5. Gotta share how lovely the fruits growing in the front mini-orchard are. We have plums, apricots and apple.
And finally, here are some of our 216 Fourth of July photos. Thank goodness I finally learned how to make a collage. We are staying at a great beach house with our new(ish) friends, the Vanhoven family.
We went to watch the fireworks show down by the beach and Marc got us the PERFECT table to eat dinner and take in the show. It was so good!
You can clickity click on this collage to get a better look at the photos.
What a fun way to celebrate the 4th. To bad we didn't know ahead of time since we were in Ventura (with a side-trip up to Santa Barbara for a few days) for this past week. Looks like you all have been having a great time!