Thursday, October 25, 2012

Love is Eww

So the other day my oldest daughter, 19 year old Maddie, called me from college and told me that she is in love with her boyfriend, which information caused me to gasp, "eww," and get a little sick taste in my mouth.

"Did you just say 'eww'?" she demanded.

"No," I said. When in doubt deny.

"Yes you did!" she insisted.

"Don't hate me," I wined and then put on my big girl pants and told her how much I love her and how happy I am for her and how wonderful those feelings are.

When we got off the phone I banged my head on the wall sideways. Twice. Just to clear all the panic and try to reinforce how happy I am for her and how wonderful those feelings are.

Because really they are. And Maddie is such a smart, independent, insightful cookie. I'm sure she will be fine. 

That's her in the middle.
But having your kids grow up...sheesh is all I have to say about it.

2 Responses to “Love is Eww”

  1. I absolutely know what you mean! My 19 year old daughter came home from a month and a half of college in love. Then 2 weeks later with a RING! I echo your "But having your kids grow up...sheesh is all I have to say about it."! Love your blog! Paula

    1. Hi Paula! Thank you so much for commenting, totally made my week! So...then did you have to plan a wedding? I'm guessing yes. And you're still alive so that's good...but how was it?


Now you say something!


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